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COVID-19 Protocol

To all members and visitors,


Below is a list of guidelines to become familiar with when services are in person. 



Pastor Korey 


  1. Please stay home if you are sick.

  2. Please stay home if you are not fully comfortable gathering with other people yet.  We will continue to have an online worship option to include everyone in worship together.  If you are undecided, stay home and sacrifice your seat to minimize the risk to others and help others to socially distance better. 

  3. Wear masks inside the building. There will be masks available in the church if someone needs one.

  4. Social distance at least 6 feet.

  5. Wash hands often, and use hand sanitizer when not able to wash hands. There will be hand sanitizer at the bottom and top of the Narthex stairs. Please use before touching the handrails or tops of the pews when entering

  6. No handshaking or hugging please.

  7. Follow posted instructions and the directions of the ushers. 

  8. Do not sing along with the hymns that will be played.

  9. Attendees need to do a personal assessment prior to attending. Please DO NOT attend if:

    1. You have been sick with any of the symptoms associated with Covid-19 in the last 14 days, such as chills, body aches, severe fatigue, headache, congestion or runny nose, sore throat (not due to allergies), loss of taste or smell, loss of appetite, cough, difficulty breathing ,nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

    2. You have had a positive COVID-19 test in the past 14 days.

    3. You have had close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in the past 14 days.

    4. You have traveled out of the country, or to a state with a high COVID-19 case rate in the past 14 days.


  1. 33% of occupancy for the sanctuary using 125 as maximum is 42 people. If more people show up, additional worship opportunities could be planned in conjunction with St. Martin.

  2. Disposable face masks are in the Narthex.

  3. Pews will be marked off with proper spacing. Ushers will escort people to their pew and a bulletin will already be in the pew.

  4. Signs will be placed on the exterior doors directing people to enter through the Narthex.

  5. The wheelchair lift must be restricted to one person or 50% of capacity.

  6. Restrooms need to be limited to one “family group” at a time. Signs will be there to indicate whether occupied or not. Restrooms will be stocked with soap, water and paper towels and hand sanitizer but please wash your hands.

  7. Hand sanitizer will be available in several locations in the building.

  8. Adhere to hygiene cleaning and disinfection requirements from the CDC and maintain cleaning logs on-site, documenting date, time, and scope of cleaning.

  9. There will be CDC posters throughout the facility to remind individuals to adhere to proper hygiene.

  10. Post safety plans on site conspicuously.

  11. Run the furnace fan continuously. Also open the front door and windows (weather permitting) for air circulation. 



  1. Everyone enters through the narthex. Please use the front parking lot. Possibly have someone outside directing people to enter the front of the church. People will be directed to enter through the Narthex. There will be signs on easels at the entrance to the sanctuary directing people but please wait for an usher to seat you.

  2. There will be no fellowshipping in the narthex or elsewhere in the building before the service or afterward.  There will be no coffee hour.  People will exit the building upon the conclusion of the service.

  3. Sanitizer will be at the top and at the bottoms of the stairs to the Narthex. At the bottom of the stairs in the fellowship hall for anyone using the bathroom down there. Handwashing is best.

  4. The offering plate will be placed in the entrance for people’s offerings.

  5. Bulletins will already be placed on the pews.

  6. The ushers will seat people to ensure social distancing and prevent cross-traffic.  Ushers will also dismiss by rows (such as you do at a wedding).

  7. Currently no communion

  8. Currently no congregational singing. Evelyn will play and we will meditate on the words.

  9. The balcony can be used for people if they desire but all social distancing restrictions and wearing masks are required there also.

  10. There will be separate microphones and places to stand for the readers and the assistant minister.

  11. Encourage one-way traffic but hopefully following the usher’s direction will work smoothly.

  12. Someone will take attendance using a congregational list. 

  13. Do mandatory screening assessment for employees (pastor, organist, church sexton) and volunteers, as per CDC and NY State guidelines. 

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