Upcoming Events
For the most up-to-date listing of events, please visit our Facebook page.
Prayer Gatherings
We meet on Wednesdays, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in the prayer garden behind the church, weather permitting. In case of rain, we meet inside the church. Please contact Pastor Korey with any questions.
Weekly Worship
We worship every Sundays at 8:45 am. Our sanctuary is handicapped accessible.
Worship is livestreamed on Facebook Live, where you can also see the recordings of previous services. (You do not need a Facebook account to watch Facebook Live).
Women's Bible Study
The Women's Bible Study meets on a monthly basis. Please contact Sally Steinmiller to learn when and where the next meeting will take place.
Quilting Group
Our Quilting Group often meets on Tuesdays to sew quilts to be given as special gifts or to those in need. Contact us for more information.